Title: | Dynamical Systems Approach to Immune Response Modeling |
Description: | Simulation models (apps) of various within-host immune response scenarios. The purpose of the package is to help individuals learn about within-host infection and immune response modeling from a dynamical systems perspective. All apps include explanations of the underlying models and instructions on what to do with the models. |
Authors: | Andreas Handel [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Andreas Handel <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.9.7 |
Built: | 2025-02-14 04:58:30 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ahgroup/dsairm |
This function takes the return from a call to a simulate_ function and checks that no errors occured. If something goes wrong, an error message is returned
simresult |
a list of results from a single call to the simulation functions |
This function checks simulation results generated from a single call to a simulate_ function.
Ane error message string or NULL
This function take the documentation provided as html file and extracts sections to generate the tabs with content for each Shiny app. This is a helper function and only useful for this package.
docfilename |
full path and name to html file containing the documentation |
This function is called by the Shiny UIs to populate the documentation and information tabs.
tablist A list of tabs for display in a Shiny UI.
Andreas Handel
This function takes a modelsettings structure and uses that information to create an unevaluated function call that runs the simulator function with the specified settings
modelsettings |
a list with model settings. Required list elements are: |
This function produces a function call for specific settings.
A string containing an unevaluated function call with the specified settings, or an error message
This function generates plots to be displayed in the Shiny UI. This is a helper function. This function processes results returned from the simulation, supplied as a list.
res |
A list structure containing all simulation results that are to be plotted.
The length of the main list indicates the number of separate plots to make.
Each list entry is itself a list, and corresponds to one plot and
needs to contain the following information/elements: |
This function can be called to produce plots, i.e. those displayed for each app.
The input needed by this function is produced by either calling the run_model
function (as done when going through the UI)
or manually transforming the output from a simulate_ function into the correct list structure as explained here.
A ggplot plot structure for display in a Shiny UI.
Andreas Handel
This function parses the shiny UI and gets input settings and combines those with other settings for a full definition of the model and settings that should be executed. This is a helper function.
generate_modelsettings(app_input, appsettings, appNames)
generate_modelsettings(app_input, appsettings, appNames)
app_input |
a list of shiny GUI input |
appsettings |
current appsettings |
appNames |
character vector of app names, available in shiny server global environment upon app initialization |
This function returns specific settings for simulation runs as a list.
modelsettings a list with model settings. List elements are:
modelsettings$apptitle - The name of the app that's being run.
modelsettings$simfunction - name of simulation function(s) as string.
modelsettings$simfunction2 - name of simulation function(s) as string.
modelsettings$is_mbmodel - indicate of simulation function has mbmodel structure
modelsettings$modeltype - specify what kind of model should be run.
Currently one of: _ode_, _discrete_, _stochastic_, _usanalysis_, _modelexploration_, _fit_.
For more than one model type, place _and_ between them.
modelsettings$plottype - 'Boxplot' or 'Scatterplot' , required for US app
Optinal list elements are:
List elements with names and values for inputs expected by simulation function.
If not provided, defaults of simulator function are used.
modelsettings$plotscale - indicate which axis should be on a log scale (x, y or both).
If not provided or set to ”, no log scales are used.
modelsettings$nplots - indicate number of plots that should be produced (number of top list elements in result).
If not provided, a single plot is assumed.
modelsettings$nreps - required for stochastic models to indicate numer of repeat simulations.
If not provided, a single run will be done.
This function generates plots to be displayed in the Shiny UI. This is a helper function. This function processes results returned from the simulation, supplied as a list.
res |
A list structure containing all simulation results that are to be plotted.
The length of the main list indicates the number of separate plots to make.
Each list entry is itself a list, and corresponds to one plot and
needs to contain the following information/elements: |
This function can be called to produce plots, i.e. those displayed for each app. The input needed by this function is produced by either calling the run_model() function (as done when going through the UI) or manually transforming the output from a simulate_ function into the correct list structure explained below.
A plotly plot structure for display in a Shiny UI.
Yang Ge, Andreas Handel
This function generates shiny UI inputs for a supplied model. This is a helper function called by the shiny app.
generate_shinyinput( use_mbmodel = FALSE, mbmodel = NULL, use_doc = FALSE, model_file = NULL, model_function = NULL, otherinputs = NULL, packagename = NULL )
generate_shinyinput( use_mbmodel = FALSE, mbmodel = NULL, use_doc = FALSE, model_file = NULL, model_function = NULL, otherinputs = NULL, packagename = NULL )
use_mbmodel |
TRUE/FALSE if mbmodel list should be used to generate UI |
mbmodel |
a valid mbmodel object |
use_doc |
TRUE/FALSE if doc of a model file should be parsed to make UI |
model_file |
name/path to function file for parsing doc |
model_function |
name of function who's formals are parsed to make UI |
otherinputs |
a text string that specifies a list of other shiny inputs to include in the UI |
packagename |
name of package using this function |
This function is called by the Shiny app to produce the Shiny input UI elements. It produces UI by 3 different ways. 1. If use_mbmodel is TRUE, an mbmodel list structure, which needs to be provided, is used 2. If use_mbmodel is FALSE and use_doc is TRUE, the documentation header of the function is used. For that approach, model_file needs to contain the name/path to the R script for the function The doc needs to have a specific format for this. 3. If both use_mbmodel and use_doc are FALSE, the function formals are parsed and used as UI. For that approach, model_function needs to specify the name of the model model_function is assumed to be the name of a function. The formals of the function will be parsed to create UI elements. Non-numeric arguments of functions are removed and need to be included in the otherinputs argument.
A renderUI object that can be added to the shiny output object for display in a Shiny UI
This function generates text to be displayed in the Shiny UI. This is a helper function. This function processes results returned from the simulation, supplied as a list.
res |
A list structure containing all simulation results that are to be processed. This function is meant to be used together with generate_plots() and requires similar input information. See the generate_plots() function for most details. Specific entries for this function are 'maketext', 'showtext' and 'finaltext'. If 'maketext' is set to TRUE (or not provided) the function processes the data corresponding to each plot and reports min/max/final values (lineplots) or correlation coefficient (scatterplot) If 'maketext' is FALSE, no text based on the data is generated. If the entries 'showtext' or 'finaltext' are present, their values will be returned for each plot or for all together. The overall message of finaltext should be in the 1st plot. |
This function is called by the Shiny server to produce output returned to the Shiny UI.
HTML formatted text for display in a Shiny UI.
Andreas Handel
Daily average virus load of volunteers infected with influenza.
A data frame with these variables:
Hours post infection - measurements were taken daily.
Hours post infection when treatment started. The value of 29 is the average of the 2 reported early treatment times. A value of 200, which is later than the last recorded virus load, means no treatment.
Average virus load for volunteers in a given treatment condition, in log10 units.
Limit of detection for virus load, in log10 units.
Data is from Hayden et al 1996 JAMA: doi:10.1001/jama.1996.03530280047035
Specifically, data was extracted from Figure 2. See this article and citations therein for more details on the data.
This function runs a model based on information provided in the modelsettings list passed into it.
modelsettings |
a list with model settings. Required list elements are: |
This function runs a model for specific settings.
A vectored list named "result" with each main list element containing the simulation results in a dataframe called dat and associated metadata required for generate_plot and generate_text functions. Most often there is only one main list entry (result[[1]]) for a single plot/text.
Time series data from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in mice
A data frame with these variables:
Hours post infection.
Amount of bacteria and neutrophils. See original paper for units.
B = Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, I = neutrophils.
Data is from Schirm et al 2020 PLoS One: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243147
Specifically, data used here are time-series of bacteria and neutrophils in BAL, as shown in panels a) and c) of Figure 4. The original data uses P for the bacteria, and N for neutrophils. For consistency with other DSAIRM models, we use B for bacteria and I for neutrophils (immune response). See the original article and citations therein for more details on the data.
A model for an acute virus infection with a simple immune response
simulate_acutevirusir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 1, T = 1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-06, p = 100, g = 1, rF = 0.001, dF = 1, kF = 0.01, rT = 0.001, dT = 1, kT = 0.01, tstart = 0, tfinal = 50, dt = 0.1 )
simulate_acutevirusir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 1, T = 1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-06, p = 100, g = 1, rF = 0.001, dF = 1, kF = 0.01, rT = 0.001, dT = 1, kT = 0.01, tstart = 0, tfinal = 50, dt = 0.1 )
U |
: starting value for Uninfected cells : numeric |
I |
: starting value for Infected cells : numeric |
V |
: starting value for Virus : numeric |
F |
: starting value for Innate Response : numeric |
T |
: starting value for Adaptive Response : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: possible conversion factor for virus units : numeric |
rF |
: rate of innate response induction : numeric |
dF |
: rate of innate response decay : numeric |
kF |
: strength of innate response action : numeric |
rT |
: rate of adaptive response induction : numeric |
dT |
: rate of adaptive response decay : numeric |
kT |
: strength of adaptive response action : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Time step : numeric |
The model includes uninfected and infected target cells, virus, and the innate and adaptive immune response. The processes that are modeled are infection, virus production, infected cell and virus death. Immune response dynamics and action are also modeled. See the DSAIRM documentation for model details.
This code was generated by the modelbuilder R package. The model is implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations using the deSolve package. The following R packages need to be loaded for the function to work: deSolve.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
generated by the modelbuilder
R package
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_acutevirusir_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_acutevirusir_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2,F = 2,T = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_acutevirusir_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_acutevirusir_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2,F = 2,T = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple bacteria infection system.
simulate_bacteria_fit( B = 1, I = 1, g = 0.1, glow = 1e-04, ghigh = 100, Bmax = 1e+08, Bmaxlow = 10000, Bmaxhigh = 1e+10, dB = 0.01, dBlow = 1e-04, dBhigh = 100, kI = 0.001, kIlow = 1e-04, kIhigh = 100, rI = 0.1, rIlow = 1e-04, rIhigh = 100, Imax = 10000, Imaxlow = 1, Imaxhigh = 1e+10, dI = 0.1, dIlow = 0.001, dIhigh = 100, iter = 10, solvertype = 1 )
simulate_bacteria_fit( B = 1, I = 1, g = 0.1, glow = 1e-04, ghigh = 100, Bmax = 1e+08, Bmaxlow = 10000, Bmaxhigh = 1e+10, dB = 0.01, dBlow = 1e-04, dBhigh = 100, kI = 0.001, kIlow = 1e-04, kIhigh = 100, rI = 0.1, rIlow = 1e-04, rIhigh = 100, Imax = 10000, Imaxlow = 1, Imaxhigh = 1e+10, dI = 0.1, dIlow = 0.001, dIhigh = 100, iter = 10, solvertype = 1 )
B |
: initial number of bacteria : numeric |
I |
: initial number of neutrophils (immune response) : numeric |
g |
: maximum rate of bacteria growth : numeric |
glow |
: lower bound for g : numeric |
ghigh |
: upper bound for g : numeric |
Bmax |
: bacteria carrying capacity : numeric |
Bmaxlow |
: lower bound for Bmax : numeric |
Bmaxhigh |
: upper bound for Bmax : numeric |
dB |
: bacteria death rate : numeric |
dBlow |
: lower bound for dB : numeric |
dBhigh |
: upper bound for dB : numeric |
kI |
: rate of bacteria killing by immune response : numeric |
kIlow |
: lower bound for k : numeric |
kIhigh |
: upper bound for k : numeric |
rI |
: immune response growth rate : numeric |
rIlow |
: lower bound for r : numeric |
rIhigh |
: upper bound for r : numeric |
Imax |
: immune response carrying capacity : numeric |
Imaxlow |
: lower bound for Imax : numeric |
Imaxhigh |
: upper bound for Imax : numeric |
dI |
: immune response decay rate : numeric |
dIlow |
: lower bound for dI : numeric |
dIhigh |
: upper bound for dI : numeric |
iter |
: max number of steps to be taken by optimizer : numeric |
solvertype |
: the type of solver/optimizer to use (1-3) : numeric |
A simple compartmental ODE model for a bacterial infection is fitted to data. The fitting is done using solvers/optimizers from the nloptr package (which is a wrapper for the nlopt library). The package provides access to a large number of solvers. Here, we only implement 3 solvers, namely 1 = NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, 2 = NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD, 3 = NLOPT_LN_SBPLX For details on what those optimizers are and how they work, see the nlopt/nloptr documentation.
The function returns a list containing as elements the best fit time series data frame, the best fit parameters, the data and the final SSR
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values, the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this function for more details on this model.
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_bacteria_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_bacteria_fit(iter = 5)
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_bacteria_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_bacteria_fit(iter = 5)
A basic bacteria infection model with 2 compartments, implemented as discrete time simulation. The model tracks bacteria and an immune response dynamics. The processes modeled are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and immune response activation and decay.
simulate_basicbacteria_discrete( B = 10, I = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+06, dB = 0.1, k = 1e-07, r = 0.001, dI = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.01 )
simulate_basicbacteria_discrete( B = 10, I = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+06, dB = 0.1, k = 1e-07, r = 0.001, dI = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.01 )
B |
: starting value for bacteria : numeric |
I |
: starting value for immune response : numeric |
g |
: maximum rate of bacteria growth : numeric |
Bmax |
: bacteria carrying capacity : numeric |
dB |
: bacteria death rate : numeric |
k |
: rate of bacteria killing by immune reesponse : numeric |
r |
: immune response growth rate : numeric |
dI |
: immune response decay rate : numeric |
tstart |
: start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: time step : numeric |
The model includes bacteria and an immune response. The processes are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and immune response activation and decay. This is a predator-prey type model. The model is implemented as a set of discrete-time, deterministic equations, coded as a for-loop. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicbacteria_discrete()
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicbacteria_discrete()
This function simulates the simple bacteria model ODE for a range of parameters. The function returns a data frame containing the parameter that has been varied and the outcomes (see details).
simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration( B = 100, I = 10, g = 2, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 1, k = 1e-04, r = 1e-04, dI = 2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 300, dt = 0.1, samples = 10, parmin = 2, parmax = 10, samplepar = "g", pardist = "lin" )
simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration( B = 100, I = 10, g = 2, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 1, k = 1e-04, r = 1e-04, dI = 2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 300, dt = 0.1, samples = 10, parmin = 2, parmax = 10, samplepar = "g", pardist = "lin" )
B |
: Starting value for bacteria : numeric |
I |
: Starting value for immune response : numeric |
g |
: Maximum rate of bacteria growth : numeric |
Bmax |
: Bacteria carrying capacity : numeric |
dB |
: Bacteria death rate : numeric |
k |
: Bacteria kill rate : numeric |
r |
: Immune response growth rate : numeric |
dI |
: Immune response decay rate : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Times for which result is returned : numeric |
samples |
: Number of values to run between pmin and pmax : numeric |
parmin |
: Lower value for varied parameter : numeric |
parmax |
: Upper value for varied parameter : numeric |
samplepar |
: Name of parameter to be varied : character |
pardist |
: spacing of parameter values, can be either 'lin' or 'log' : character |
##this code illustrates how to do analyze a simple model. A simple 2 compartment ODE model (the simple bacteria model introduced in the app of that name) is simulated for different parameter values. This function runs the simple bacterial infection model for a range of parameters. The user can specify which parameter is sampled, and the simulation returns for each parameter sample the peak and final value for B and I. Also returned is the varied parameter and an indicator if steady state was reached.
The function returns the output as a list, list element 'dat' contains the data frame with results of interest. The first column is called xvals and contains the values of the parameter that has been varied as specified by 'samplepar'. The remaining columns contain peak and steady state values of bacteria and immune response, Bpeak, Ipeak, Bsteady and Isteady. A final boolean variable 'steady' is returned for each simulation. It is TRUE if the simulation reached steady state, otherwise FALSE.
The parameter dt only determines for which times the solution is returned, it is not the internal time step. The latter is set automatically by the ODE solver.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter values or fractions > 1), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: res <- simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: res <- simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration(samples=5, samplepar='dI', parmin=1, parmax=10) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(res$dat[,"xvals"],res$data[,"Bpeak"],xlab='Parameter values',ylab='Peak Bacteria',type='l')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: res <- simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: res <- simulate_basicbacteria_modelexploration(samples=5, samplepar='dI', parmin=1, parmax=10) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(res$dat[,"xvals"],res$data[,"Bpeak"],xlab='Parameter values',ylab='Peak Bacteria',type='l')
A basic bacteria infection model with 2 compartments, implemented as set of ODEs. The model tracks bacteria and an immune response dynamics. The processes modeled are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and immune response activation and decay.
simulate_basicbacteria_ode( B = 100, I = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 0.5, k = 1e-04, r = 1e-04, dI = 2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.01 )
simulate_basicbacteria_ode( B = 100, I = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 0.5, k = 1e-04, r = 1e-04, dI = 2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.01 )
B |
: starting value for bacteria : numeric |
I |
: starting value for immune response : numeric |
g |
: maximum rate of bacteria growth : numeric |
Bmax |
: bacteria carrying capacity : numeric |
dB |
: bacteria death rate : numeric |
k |
: rate of bacteria killing by immune response : numeric |
r |
: immune response growth rate : numeric |
dI |
: immune response decay rate : numeric |
tstart |
: start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: times for which result is returned : numeric |
The model includes bacteria and an immune response. The processes are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and immune response activation and decay. This is a predator-prey type model. The model is implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE) using the deSolve package. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
The parameter dt only determines the times the solution is returned and plotted, it is not the internal time step for the differential equation solver. The latter is set automatically by the ODE solver.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicbacteria_ode() # To run the simulation with different parameter or starting values, # supply the ones you want to change. # all other parameters will be kept at their default values shown in the function call above result <- simulate_basicbacteria_ode(B = 100, g = 0.5, dI = 2)
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicbacteria_ode() # To run the simulation with different parameter or starting values, # supply the ones you want to change. # all other parameters will be kept at their default values shown in the function call above result <- simulate_basicbacteria_ode(B = 100, g = 0.5, dI = 2)
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple viral infection system.
simulate_basicvirus_fit( U = 1e+06, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 2, g = 0, p = 0.001, plow = 1e-04, phigh = 100, psim = 0.001, b = 0.1, blow = 0.001, bhigh = 10, bsim = 0.1, dV = 1, dVlow = 0.01, dVhigh = 100, dVsim = 1, noise = 0, iter = 1, solvertype = 1, usesimdata = 0 )
simulate_basicvirus_fit( U = 1e+06, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 2, g = 0, p = 0.001, plow = 1e-04, phigh = 100, psim = 0.001, b = 0.1, blow = 0.001, bhigh = 10, bsim = 0.1, dV = 1, dVlow = 0.01, dVhigh = 100, dVsim = 1, noise = 0, iter = 1, solvertype = 1, usesimdata = 0 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
n |
: rate of uninfected cell production : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
g |
: unit conversion factor : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
plow |
: lower bound for p : numeric |
phigh |
: upper bound for p : numeric |
psim |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus for simulated data : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
blow |
: lower bound for infection rate : numeric |
bhigh |
: upper bound for infection rate : numeric |
bsim |
: rate at which virus infects cells for simulated data : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
dVlow |
: lower bound for virus clearance rate : numeric |
dVhigh |
: upper bound for virus clearance rate : numeric |
dVsim |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared for simulated data : numeric |
noise |
: noise to be added to simulated data : numeric |
iter |
: max number of steps to be taken by optimizer : numeric |
solvertype |
: the type of solver/optimizer to use (1-3) : numeric |
usesimdata |
: set to 1 if simulated data should be fitted, 0 otherwise : numeric |
A simple compartmental ODE model mimicking acute viral infection is fitted to data. Data can either be real or created by running the model with known parameters and using the simulated data to determine if the model parameters can be identified. The fitting is done using solvers/optimizers from the nloptr package (which is a wrapper for the nlopt library). The package provides access to a large number of solvers. Here, we only implement 3 solvers, namely 1 = NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, 2 = NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD, 3 = NLOPT_LN_SBPLX For details on what those optimizers are and how they work, see the nlopt/nloptr documentation.
The function returns a list containing as elements the best fit time series data frame, the best fit parameters, the data and the final SSR
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values, the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this function for more details on this model.
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_basicvirus_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_basicvirus_fit(iter = 5)
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_basicvirus_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_basicvirus_fit(iter = 5)
This function simulates the basic virus model ODE for a range of parameters. The function returns a data frame containing the parameter that has been varied and the outcomes (see details).
simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 10000, dU = 0.1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.1, samples = 10, parmin = 1, parmax = 10, samplepar = "p", pardist = "lin" )
simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 10000, dU = 0.1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.1, samples = 10, parmin = 1, parmax = 10, samplepar = "p", pardist = "lin" )
U |
: Starting value for uninfected cells : numeric |
I |
: Starting value for infected cells : numeric |
V |
: Starting value for virus : numeric |
n |
: Rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: Rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: Rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: Rate at which virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: Rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: Rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: Possible conversion factor for virus units : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Times for which result is returned : numeric |
samples |
: Number of values to run between pmin and pmax : numeric |
parmin |
: Lower value for varied parameter : numeric |
parmax |
: Upper value for varied parameter : numeric |
samplepar |
: Name of parameter to be varied : character |
pardist |
: spacing of parameter values, can be either 'lin' or 'log' : character |
##this code illustrates how to do analyze a simple model. A simple 3 compartment ODE model (the basic virus model introduced in the app of that name) is simulated for different parameter values. This function runs the model for a range of values for any one parameter, while holding all other paramter values fixed. The user can specify which parameter is sampled, and the simulation returns for each parameter sample the peak and final value for U, I and V. Also returned is the varied parameter and an indicator if steady state was reached.
The function returns the output as a list, list element 'dat' contains the data frame with results of interest. The first column is called xvals and contains the values of the parameter that has been varied as specified by 'samplepar'. The remaining columns contain peak and steady state values of bacteria and immune response, Upeak, Ipeak, Vpeak, Usteady, Isteady and Vsteady. A final boolean variable 'steady' is returned for each simulation. It is TRUE if the simulation reached steady state, otherwise FALSE.
The parameter dt only determines for which times the solution is returned, it is not the internal time step. The latter is set automatically by the ODE solver.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter values or fractions > 1), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: res <- simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: res <- simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration(samples=5, samplepar='dI', parmin=1, parmax=10) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(res$dat[,"xvals"],res$data[,"Vpeak"],xlab='Parameter values',ylab='Virus Peak',type='l')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: res <- simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: res <- simulate_basicvirus_modelexploration(samples=5, samplepar='dI', parmin=1, parmax=10) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(res$dat[,"xvals"],res$data[,"Vpeak"],xlab='Parameter values',ylab='Virus Peak',type='l')
A basic virus infection model with 3 compartments
simulate_basicvirus_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.1 )
simulate_basicvirus_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.1 )
U |
: starting value for Uninfected cells : numeric |
I |
: starting value for Infected cells : numeric |
V |
: starting value for Virus : numeric |
n |
: rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: possible conversion factor for virus units : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Time step : numeric |
The model includes uninfected and infected target cells, as well as free virus. The processes that are modeled are infection, virus production, uninfected cell birth and death, infected cell and virus death.
This code was generated by the modelbuilder R package. The model is implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations using the deSolve package. The following R packages need to be loaded for the function to work: deSolve.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
generated by the modelbuilder
R package
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicvirus_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_basicvirus_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicvirus_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_basicvirus_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
A basic virus infection model with 3 compartments
simulate_basicvirus_stochastic( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tfinal = 30, rngseed = 123 )
simulate_basicvirus_stochastic( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 1, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 2e-05, p = 5, g = 1, tfinal = 30, rngseed = 123 )
U |
: starting value for Uninfected cells : numeric |
I |
: starting value for Infected cells : numeric |
V |
: starting value for Virus : numeric |
n |
: rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: possible conversion factor for virus units : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
rngseed |
: set random number seed for reproducibility : numeric |
The model includes uninfected and infected target cells, as well as free virus. The processes that are modeled are infection, virus production, uninfected cell birth and death, infected cell and virus death.
This code was generated by the modelbuilder R package. The model is implemented as a set of stochastic equations using the adaptivetau package. The following R packages need to be loaded for the function to work: adpativetau
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
generated by the modelbuilder
R package
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicvirus_stochastic() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_basicvirus_stochastic(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_basicvirus_stochastic() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_basicvirus_stochastic(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
A model for a chronic virus infection with a simple immune response
simulate_chronicvirusir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 1, T = 1, n = 10000, dU = 0.1, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-06, p = 100, g = 1, rF = 0.001, dF = 1, kF = 0.01, rT = 0.001, dT = 1, kT = 0.01, tstart = 0, tfinal = 200, dt = 0.1 )
simulate_chronicvirusir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 1, T = 1, n = 10000, dU = 0.1, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-06, p = 100, g = 1, rF = 0.001, dF = 1, kF = 0.01, rT = 0.001, dT = 1, kT = 0.01, tstart = 0, tfinal = 200, dt = 0.1 )
U |
: starting value for Uninfected cells : numeric |
I |
: starting value for Infected cells : numeric |
V |
: starting value for Virus : numeric |
F |
: starting value for Innate Response : numeric |
T |
: starting value for Adaptive Response : numeric |
n |
: rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: possible conversion factor for virus units : numeric |
rF |
: rate of innate response induction : numeric |
dF |
: rate of innate response decay : numeric |
kF |
: strength of innate response action : numeric |
rT |
: rate of adaptive response induction : numeric |
dT |
: rate of adaptive response decay : numeric |
kT |
: strength of adaptive response action : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Time step : numeric |
The model includes uninfected and infected target cells, virus, and the innate and adaptive immune response. The processes that are modeled are cell birth and death, infection, virus production, infected cell and virus death. Immune response dynamics and action are also modeled. See the DSAIRM documentation for model details.
This code was generated by the modelbuilder R package. The model is implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations using the deSolve package. The following R packages need to be loaded for the function to work: deSolve.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
generated by the modelbuilder
R package
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_chronicvirusir_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_chronicvirusir_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2,F = 2,T = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_chronicvirusir_ode() # To choose values other than the standard one, specify them like this: result <- simulate_chronicvirusir_ode(U = 2e+05,I = 0,V = 2,F = 2,T = 2) # You can display or further process the result, like this: plot(result$ts[,'time'],result$ts[,'U'],xlab='Time',ylab='Numbers',type='l') print(paste('Max number of U: ',max(result$ts[,'U'])))
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple viral infection system.
simulate_confint_fit( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 2, p = 0.01, g = 0, b = 0.01, blow = 1e-06, bhigh = 1000, dV = 2, dVlow = 0.001, dVhigh = 1000, iter = 20, nsample = 10, rngseed = 100, parscale = 1 )
simulate_confint_fit( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 2, p = 0.01, g = 0, b = 0.01, blow = 1e-06, bhigh = 1000, dV = 2, dVlow = 0.001, dVhigh = 1000, iter = 20, nsample = 10, rngseed = 100, parscale = 1 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
n |
: rate of uninfected cell production : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: unit conversion factor : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
blow |
: lower bound for infection rate : numeric |
bhigh |
: upper bound for infection rate : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
dVlow |
: lower bound for virus clearance rate : numeric |
dVhigh |
: upper bound for virus clearance rate : numeric |
iter |
: max number of steps to be taken by optimizer : numeric |
nsample |
: number of samples for conf int determination : numeric |
rngseed |
: seed for random number generator to allow reproducibility : numeric |
parscale |
: 1 for linear, 2 for log space parameter fitting : numeric |
A simple compartmental ODE model mimicking acute viral infection is fitted to data. Confidence intervals are computed by simple bootstrapping of the data using the boot R package. Confidence intervals are computed using the percentage method in boot.ci. See the boot package for more information. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
The function returns a list containing the best fit time series, the best fit parameters for the data, the final SSR, and the bootstrapped 95 percent confidence intervals.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_confint_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_confint_fit(iter = 5, nsample = 5)
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_confint_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_confint_fit(iter = 5, nsample = 5)
Simulation of a stochastic model with the following compartments: Uninfected target cells (U), Infected with wild-type/sensitive and untreated (Is), infected with resistant (Ir), wild-type virus (Vs), resistant virus (Vr).
simulate_drugresistance_stochastic( U = 1e+05, Is = 0, Ir = 0, Vs = 10, Vr = 0, b = 1e-05, dI = 1, e = 0, m = 0.001, p = 100, c = 4, f = 0.1, rngseed = 100, tfinal = 30 )
simulate_drugresistance_stochastic( U = 1e+05, Is = 0, Ir = 0, Vs = 10, Vr = 0, b = 1e-05, dI = 1, e = 0, m = 0.001, p = 100, c = 4, f = 0.1, rngseed = 100, tfinal = 30 )
U |
: initial number of target cells : numeric |
Is |
: initial number of wild-type infected cells : numeric |
Ir |
: initial number of resistant infected cells : numeric |
Vs |
: initial number of wild-type virus : numeric |
Vr |
: initial number of resistant virus : numeric |
b |
: level/rate of infection of cells : numeric |
dI |
: rate of infected cell death : numeric |
e |
: efficacy of drug : numeric |
m |
: fraction of resistant mutants created : numeric |
p |
: virus production rate : numeric |
c |
: virus removal rate : numeric |
f |
: fitness cost of resistant virus : numeric |
rngseed |
: seed for random number generator to allow reproducibility : numeric |
tfinal |
: maximum simulation time : numeric |
A compartmental ID model with several states/compartments is simulated as a stochastic model using the adaptive tau algorithm as implemented by ssa.adaptivetau in the adpativetau package. See the manual of this package for more details. The function returns the time series of the simulated disease as output matrix, with one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
A list. The list has only one element called ts. ts contains the time-series of the simulation. The 1st column of ts is Time, the other columns are the model variables.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have I0 > PopSize or any negative values or fractions > 1), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the manual for the adaptivetau package for details on the algorithm. The implemented model is loosely based on: Handel et al 2007 PLoS Comp Bio "Neuraminidase Inhibitor Resistance in Influenza: Assessing the Danger of Its Generation and Spread"
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_drugresistance_stochastic() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_drugresistance_stochastic(tfinal = 100, e = 0.5) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"Vs"],xlab='Time',ylab='Uninfected cells',type='l')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_drugresistance_stochastic() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_drugresistance_stochastic(tfinal = 100, e = 0.5) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"Vs"],xlab='Time',ylab='Uninfected cells',type='l')
A bacteria infection model with 3 compartments, implemented as set of ODEs. The model tracks bacteria, and one compartment each for innate and adaptive immune response. The processes modeled are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and growth and decay of each immune response component.
simulate_extendedbacteria_ode( B = 100, I = 1, A = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 0.5, kI = 1e-04, kA = 1e-04, rI = 1, Imax = 1e+05, dI = 1, rA = 1, h = 1000, dA = 0.1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.01 )
simulate_extendedbacteria_ode( B = 100, I = 1, A = 1, g = 1, Bmax = 1e+05, dB = 0.5, kI = 1e-04, kA = 1e-04, rI = 1, Imax = 1e+05, dI = 1, rA = 1, h = 1000, dA = 0.1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 100, dt = 0.01 )
B |
: starting value for bacteria : numeric |
I |
: starting value for innate immune response : numeric |
A |
: starting value for adaptive immune response : numeric |
g |
: maximum rate of bacteria growth : numeric |
Bmax |
: bacteria carrying capacity : numeric |
dB |
: bacteria death rate : numeric |
kI |
: rate of bacteria killing by innate response : numeric |
kA |
: rate of bacteria killing by adaptive response : numeric |
rI |
: innate response growth rate : numeric |
Imax |
: innate response carrying capacity : numeric |
dI |
: innate response decay rate : numeric |
rA |
: adaptive response growth rate : numeric |
h |
: adaptive response half-growth : numeric |
dA |
: adaptive response decay rate : numeric |
tstart |
: start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: times for which result is returned : numeric |
The model tracks bacteria, and one compartment each for innate and adaptive immune response. The processes modeled are bacteria growth, death and killing by the immune response, and growth and decay of each immune response component. The model is implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE) using the deSolve package. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
The function returns the output as a list.
The time-series from the simulation is returned as a dataframe saved as list element ts
The ts
dataframe has one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
The parameter dt only determines the times the solution is returned and plotted, it is not the internal time step for the differential equation solver. The latter is set automatically by the ODE solver.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. have negative values for parameters), the code will likely abort with an error message.
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_extendedbacteria_ode() # To run the simulation with different parameter or starting values, # supply the ones you want to change. # all other parameters will be kept at their default values shown in the function call above result <- simulate_extendedbacteria_ode(B = 100, g = 0.5, dI = 2)
# To run the simulation with default parameters: result <- simulate_extendedbacteria_ode() # To run the simulation with different parameter or starting values, # supply the ones you want to change. # all other parameters will be kept at their default values shown in the function call above result <- simulate_extendedbacteria_ode(B = 100, g = 0.5, dI = 2)
This function fits the simulate_virusandtx_ode model, which is a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple viral infection system in the presence of drug treatment. The user provides initial conditions and parameter values for the system. The function simulates the ODE using an ODE solver from the deSolve package.
simulate_fludrug_fit( U = 1e+07, I = 0, V = 1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 0.002, blow = 0, bhigh = 100, p = 0.002, plow = 0, phigh = 100, g = 0, glow = 0, ghigh = 100, k = 0, fitmodel = 1, iter = 1 )
simulate_fludrug_fit( U = 1e+07, I = 0, V = 1, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 0.002, blow = 0, bhigh = 100, p = 0.002, plow = 0, phigh = 100, g = 0, glow = 0, ghigh = 100, k = 0, fitmodel = 1, iter = 1 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
blow |
: lower bound for infection rate : numeric |
bhigh |
: upper bound for infection rate : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
plow |
: lower bound for virus production rate : numeric |
phigh |
: upper bound for virus production rate : numeric |
g |
: unit conversion factor : numeric |
glow |
: lower bound for unit conversion factor : numeric |
ghigh |
: upper bound for unit conversion factor : numeric |
k |
: drug efficacy (between 0-1) : numeric |
fitmodel |
: fitting model 1 or 2 : numeric |
iter |
: max number of steps to be taken by optimizer : numeric |
A simple compartmental ODE models describing an acute viral infection with drug treatment mechanism/model 1 assumes that drug treatment reduces rate of new cell infection. mechanism/model 2 assumes that drug treatment reduces rate of new virus production.
The function returns a list containing the best fit timeseries, the best fit parameters, the data and the AICc for the model.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this function for more details on this model.
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_fludrug_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_fludrug_fit(k = 0.5, iter = 5, fitmodel = 2)
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_fludrug_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_fludrug_fit(k = 0.5, iter = 5, fitmodel = 2)
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple viral infection system in the presence of drug treatment. The user provides initial conditions and parameter values for the system. The function simulates the ODE using an ODE solver from the deSolve package. The function returns a matrix containing time-series of each variable and time.
simulate_modelcomparison_fit( U = 1e+06, I = 0, V = 1, X = 1, dI = 2, dV = 4, p = 0.1, g = 0, k = 0.001, a = 0.001, alow = 1e-05, ahigh = 10, b = 0.001, blow = 1e-06, bhigh = 10, r = 0.1, rlow = 0.001, rhigh = 10, dX = 1, dXlow = 0.1, dXhigh = 10, fitmodel = 1, iter = 1 )
simulate_modelcomparison_fit( U = 1e+06, I = 0, V = 1, X = 1, dI = 2, dV = 4, p = 0.1, g = 0, k = 0.001, a = 0.001, alow = 1e-05, ahigh = 10, b = 0.001, blow = 1e-06, bhigh = 10, r = 0.1, rlow = 0.001, rhigh = 10, dX = 1, dXlow = 0.1, dXhigh = 10, fitmodel = 1, iter = 1 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
X |
: initial level of immune response : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: unit conversion factor : numeric |
k |
: rate of killing of infected cells by T-cells (model 1) or virus by Ab (model 2) : numeric |
a |
: activation of T-cells (model 1) or growth of antibodies (model 2) : numeric |
alow |
: lower bound for activation rate : numeric |
ahigh |
: upper bound for activation rate : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
blow |
: lower bound for infection rate : numeric |
bhigh |
: upper bound for infection rate : numeric |
r |
: rate of T-cell expansion (model 1) : numeric |
rlow |
: lower bound for expansion rate : numeric |
rhigh |
: upper bound for expansion rate : numeric |
dX |
: rate at which antibodies decay (model 2) : numeric |
dXlow |
: lower bound for decay rate : numeric |
dXhigh |
: upper bound for decay rate : numeric |
fitmodel |
: fitting model 1 or 2 : numeric |
iter |
: max number of steps to be taken by optimizer : numeric |
Two simple compartmental ODE models mimicking acute viral infection with T-cells (model 1) or antibodies (model 2) are fitted to data.
The function returns a list containing the best fit timeseries, the best fit parameters, the data and the AICc for the model.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this function for more details on this model.
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_modelcomparison_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_modelcomparison_fit(iter = 5, fitmodel = 1)
# To run the code with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_modelcomparison_fit() # To apply different settings, provide them to the simulator function, like such: result <- simulate_modelcomparison_fit(iter = 5, fitmodel = 1)
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The user provides initial conditions and parameter values for the system. The function simulates the ODE using an ODE solver from the deSolve package. The function returns a matrix containing time-series of each variable and time.
simulate_modelvariants_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 0, A = 0, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-05, p = 100, pF = 1, dF = 1, f1 = 1e-04, f2 = 0, f3 = 0, Fmax = 1000, sV = 1e-10, k1 = 0.001, k2 = 0, k3 = 0, a1 = 1000, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, hV = 1e-10, k4 = 0.001, k5 = 0, k6 = 0, sA = 1e-10, dA = 0.1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 20, dt = 0.01 )
simulate_modelvariants_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, F = 0, A = 0, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-05, p = 100, pF = 1, dF = 1, f1 = 1e-04, f2 = 0, f3 = 0, Fmax = 1000, sV = 1e-10, k1 = 0.001, k2 = 0, k3 = 0, a1 = 1000, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, hV = 1e-10, k4 = 0.001, k5 = 0, k6 = 0, sA = 1e-10, dA = 0.1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 20, dt = 0.01 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
F |
: initial level of innate response : numeric |
A |
: initial level of adaptive response : numeric |
n |
: rate of uninfected cell production : numeric |
dU |
: rate of natural death of uninfected cells : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
pF |
: rate of innate response production in absence of infection : numeric |
dF |
: rate of innate response removal in absence of infection : numeric |
f1 |
: growth of innate response alternative 1 : numeric |
f2 |
: growth of innate response alternative 2 : numeric |
f3 |
: growth of innate response alternative 3 : numeric |
Fmax |
: maximum level of innate response in alternative 1 : numeric |
sV |
: saturation of innate response growth in alternative 2 and 3 : numeric |
k1 |
: action of innate response alternative 1 : numeric |
k2 |
: action of innate response alternative 2 : numeric |
k3 |
: action of innate response alternative 3 : numeric |
a1 |
: growth of adaptive response alternative 1 : numeric |
a2 |
: growth of adaptive response alternative 2 : numeric |
a3 |
: growth of adaptive response alternative 3 : numeric |
hV |
: saturation of adaptive response growth in alternative 2 and 3 : numeric |
k4 |
: action of adaptive response alternative 1 : numeric |
k5 |
: action of adaptive response alternative 2 : numeric |
k6 |
: action of adaptive response alternative 3 : numeric |
sA |
: saturation of adaptive response killing for alternative action 2 : numeric |
dA |
: adaptive immune response decay : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Times for which result is returned : numeric |
A compartmental infection model is simulated as a set of ordinary differential equations, using an ode solver from the deSolve package.
The function returns the output from the odesolver as a matrix, with one column per compartment/variable. The first column is time.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model. See the manual for the deSolve package for details on the underlying ODE simulator algorithm.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_modelvariants_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_modelvariants_ode(V = 100, k1 = 0 , k2 = 0, k3 = 1e-4) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_modelvariants_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_modelvariants_ode(V = 100, k1 = 0 , k2 = 0, k3 = 1e-4) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
This function runs a simulation of the basic 3 compartment virus infection model including the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug. The user provides initial conditions and parameter values for the system. The function simulates the ODE using an ODE solver from the deSolve package.
simulate_pkpdmodel_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-05, g = 1, p = 10, C0 = 1, dC = 1, C50 = 1, k = 1, Emax = 0, txstart = 10, txinterval = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 20, dt = 0.01 )
simulate_pkpdmodel_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-05, g = 1, p = 10, C0 = 1, dC = 1, C50 = 1, k = 1, Emax = 0, txstart = 10, txinterval = 1, tstart = 0, tfinal = 20, dt = 0.01 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
n |
: rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
g |
: unit conversion factor : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
C0 |
: drug dose given at specified times : numeric |
dC |
: drug concentration decay rate : numeric |
C50 |
: drug concentration at which effect is half maximum : numeric |
k |
: steepness of concentration-dependent drug effect : numeric |
Emax |
: maximum drug efficacy (0-1) : numeric |
txstart |
: time of drug treatment start : numeric |
txinterval |
: time between drug doses : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: Times for which result is returned : numeric |
A basic virus infection model with drug PkPd
A simple compartmental model is simulated as a set of ordinary differential equations, using an ode solver from the deSolve package. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
A list. The list has only one element called ts. ts contains the time-series of the simulation. The 1st column of ts is Time, the other columns are the model variables.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model. See the manual for the deSolve package for details on the underlying ODE simulator algorithm.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_pkpdmodel_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_pkpdmodel_ode(V = 100, txstart = 10, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_pkpdmodel_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_pkpdmodel_ode(V = 100, txstart = 10, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
This function performs uncertainty and sensitivity analysis using the simple, continuous-time basic bacteria model.
simulate_usanalysis( Bmin = 100, Bmax = 200, Imin = 1, Imax = 2, Bmaxmin = 1e+05, Bmaxmax = 2e+05, dBmin = 0.5, dBmax = 1, kmin = 1e-04, kmax = 2e-04, rmin = 1e-04, rmax = 2e-04, dImin = 1, dImax = 2, gmean = 2, gvar = 0.5, samples = 10, rngseed = 100, tstart = 0, tfinal = 300, dt = 0.5 )
simulate_usanalysis( Bmin = 100, Bmax = 200, Imin = 1, Imax = 2, Bmaxmin = 1e+05, Bmaxmax = 2e+05, dBmin = 0.5, dBmax = 1, kmin = 1e-04, kmax = 2e-04, rmin = 1e-04, rmax = 2e-04, dImin = 1, dImax = 2, gmean = 2, gvar = 0.5, samples = 10, rngseed = 100, tstart = 0, tfinal = 300, dt = 0.5 )
Bmin |
: lower bound for initial bacteria numbers : numeric |
Bmax |
: upper bound for initial bacteria numbers : numeric |
Imin |
: lower bound for initial immune response : numeric |
Imax |
: upper bound for initial immune response : numeric |
Bmaxmin |
: lower bound for maximum bacteria load : numeric |
Bmaxmax |
: upper bound for maximum bacteria load : numeric |
dBmin |
: lower bound for bacteria death rate : numeric |
dBmax |
: upper bound for bacteria death rate : numeric |
kmin |
: lower bound for immune response kill rate : numeric |
kmax |
: upper bound for immune response kill rate : numeric |
rmin |
: lower bound for immune response growth rate : numeric |
rmax |
: upper bound for immune response growth rate : numeric |
dImin |
: lower bound for immune response death rate : numeric |
dImax |
: upper bound for immune response death rate : numeric |
gmean |
: mean for bacteria growth rate : numeric |
gvar |
: variance for bacteria growth rate : numeric |
samples |
: number of LHS samples to run : numeric |
rngseed |
: seed for random number generator : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: times for which result is returned : numeric |
A simple 2 compartment ODE model (the simple bacteria model introduced in the app of that name) is simulated for different parameter values. The user provides ranges for the initial conditions and parameter values and the number of samples. The function does Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) of the parameters and runs the basic bacteria ODE model for each sample. Distribution for all parameters is assumed to be uniform between the min and max values. The only exception is the bacteria growth parameter, which is assumed to be gamma distributed with the specified mean and variance. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
The function returns the output as a list. The list element 'dat' contains a data frame. The simulation returns for each parameter sample the peak and final value for B and I. Also returned are all parameter values as individual columns and an indicator stating if steady state was reached. A final variable 'steady' is returned for each simulation. It is TRUE if the simulation did reach steady state, otherwise FALSE.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter values or fractions > 1), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_usanalysis() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_usanalysis(dImin = 0.1, dImax = 10, samples = 5, tfinal = 50) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$dat[,"dI"],result$dat[,"Bpeak"],xlab='values for d',ylab='Peak Bacteria',type='l')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: ## Not run: result <- simulate_usanalysis() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_usanalysis(dImin = 0.1, dImax = 10, samples = 5, tfinal = 50) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$dat[,"dI"],result$dat[,"Bpeak"],xlab='values for d',ylab='Peak Bacteria',type='l')
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model which tracks uninfected and infected cells, virus, innate immune response, T-cells, B-cells and antibodies. The model is implemented as set of ordinary differential equations using the deSolve package.
simulate_virusandir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, T = 0, B = 0, A = 0, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-05, p = 1000, sF = 0.01, kA = 1e-05, kT = 1e-05, pF = 1, dF = 1, gF = 1, Fmax = 1000, hV = 1e-06, hF = 1e-05, gB = 1, gT = 1e-04, rT = 0.5, rA = 10, dA = 0.2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.05 )
simulate_virusandir_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, T = 0, B = 0, A = 0, n = 0, dU = 0, dI = 1, dV = 4, b = 1e-05, p = 1000, sF = 0.01, kA = 1e-05, kT = 1e-05, pF = 1, dF = 1, gF = 1, Fmax = 1000, hV = 1e-06, hF = 1e-05, gB = 1, gT = 1e-04, rT = 0.5, rA = 10, dA = 0.2, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.05 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
T |
: initial number of T cells : numeric |
B |
: initial number of B cells : numeric |
A |
: initial number of antibodies : numeric |
n |
: rate of new uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
sF |
: strength of innate response at reducing virus production : numeric |
kA |
: rate of virus removal by antibodies : numeric |
kT |
: rate of infected cell killing by T cells : numeric |
pF |
: rate of innate response production in absence of infection : numeric |
dF |
: rate of innate response removal in absence of infection : numeric |
gF |
: rate of innate response growth during infection : numeric |
Fmax |
: maximum level of innate response : numeric |
hV |
: innate growth saturation constant : numeric |
hF |
: B-cell growth saturation constant : numeric |
gB |
: maximum growth rate of B cells : numeric |
gT |
: T-cell induction rate : numeric |
rT |
: T-cell expansion rate : numeric |
rA |
: rate of antibody production by B cells : numeric |
dA |
: rate of antibody decay : numeric |
tstart |
: start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: times for which result is returned : numeric |
A compartmental infection model is simulated as a set of ordinary differential equations, using an ode solver from the deSolve package. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
A list. The list has only one element, called ts. ts contains the time-series of the simulation. The 1st column of ts is time, the other columns are the model variables.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
Andreas Handel
See the Shiny app documentation corresponding to this simulator function for more details on this model. See the manual for the deSolve package for details on the underlying ODE simulator algorithm.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_virusandir_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_virusandir_ode(V = 100, tfinal = 50, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2, kT=1e-7) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_virusandir_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_virusandir_ode(V = 100, tfinal = 50, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2, kT=1e-7) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
This function runs a simulation of a compartment model using a set of ordinary differential equations. The model describes a simple viral infection system in the presence of drug treatment. The user provides initial conditions and parameter values for the system. The function simulates the ODE using an ODE solver from the deSolve package. The function returns a list containing time-series of each variable and time. inspired by a study on HCV and IFN treatment (Neumann et al. 1998, Science)
simulate_virusandtx_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 10000, dU = 0.001, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-05, p = 10, g = 1, f = 0, e = 0, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.1, steadystate = FALSE, txstart = 0 )
simulate_virusandtx_ode( U = 1e+05, I = 0, V = 10, n = 10000, dU = 0.001, dI = 1, dV = 2, b = 1e-05, p = 10, g = 1, f = 0, e = 0, tstart = 0, tfinal = 30, dt = 0.1, steadystate = FALSE, txstart = 0 )
U |
: initial number of uninfected target cells : numeric |
I |
: initial number of infected target cells : numeric |
V |
: initial number of infectious virions : numeric |
n |
: rate of uninfected cell replenishment : numeric |
dU |
: rate at which uninfected cells die : numeric |
dI |
: rate at which infected cells die : numeric |
dV |
: rate at which infectious virus is cleared : numeric |
b |
: rate at which virus infects cells : numeric |
p |
: rate at which infected cells produce virus : numeric |
g |
: conversion between experimental and model virus units : numeric |
f |
: strength of cell infection reduction by drug : numeric |
e |
: strength of virus production reduction by drug : numeric |
tstart |
: Start time of simulation : numeric |
tfinal |
: Final time of simulation : numeric |
dt |
: times for which result is returned : numeric |
steadystate |
: start simulation at steady state : logical |
txstart |
: time at which treatment starts : numeric |
A simple compartmental model is simulated as a set of ordinary differential equations, using an ode solver from the deSolve package. if the steadystate input is set to TRUE, the starting values for U, I and V are set to their steady state values. Those steady state values are computed from the parameter values. See the Basic Virus Model To-do section for an explanation. In this case, user supplied values for U0, I0, V0 are ignored. This code is part of the DSAIRM R package. For additional model details, see the corresponding app in the DSAIRM package.
A list. The list has only one element called ts. ts contains the time-series of the simulation. The 1st column of ts is Time, the other columns are the model variables.
This function does not perform any error checking. So if you try to do something nonsensical (e.g. specify negative parameter or starting values), the code will likely abort with an error message.
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_virusandtx_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_virusandtx_ode(V = 100, tfinal = 100, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')
# To run the simulation with default parameters just call the function: result <- simulate_virusandtx_ode() # To choose parameter values other than the standard one, specify them, like such: result <- simulate_virusandtx_ode(V = 100, tfinal = 100, n = 1e5, dU = 1e-2) # You should then use the simulation result returned from the function, like this: plot(result$ts[,"time"],result$ts[,"V"],xlab='Time',ylab='Virus',type='l',log='y')